
WEEK 6 -- The answers of five question

1. If I were alone in a deserted house, I would light firewood first. Because if I light firewood, the light will more lighter than an oil lamp and candle, And some animals are very scared of fire. They will stay away it so that I will be safe at night. I also can use it to keep my body warm.

2. I will put hydrogen in the box. Because hydrogen is a kind of gas. It's no weight and hydrogen is a very special gas. The more hydrogen I put maybe the box will fly.

3. I think the inside side of a cat contains the most hair. Because they usually lay on the ground with their inside side. And scientists have proven that cats lay on their side they need the insulation from the cold on the ground. So I think inside side will have more hair than the other side to keep warm.

4. Maybe I will create a kind of machine. If the chickens come in, the machine will feel it and play a sound of gun to scare them.

5. Maybe the bee's eyes got some problem. It can not see down just only can see the straight. And the flower painting was so real. So the bee miss the vase.

