
WEEK 9 - Force Connection 1

Pencil is passionate. It has always been passionate about drawing paper. It always draws a lot of amazing lines and these lines combine with each other to become a wonderful painting. It never felt tired.

Pencil is sad. It doesn't look pretty like other pens have a beautiful and strong outer case to be protected. It just have a very thin wood to be protected.

Pencil is creative. It can draw everything that it wants. Like human being, flowers, trees and animals etc. It also can be creative to draw something is not real. Like a magic wand or something else to creative a magic world.

Pencil is brave. It will be smaller and smaller even to disappear while it is drawing on the paper but even it knows that, it is still drawing on the paper to do its duty.

Pencil is greedy. It wants to draw a lot of great art works to let more and more people know its drawing. It wants to be famous.

Pencil is hardworking. It works hard day by day for creating a wonderful painting. Even it has to overnight to achieve its goal, it doesn't complain and just continue its works and do its duty.

