
WEEK 5 - Reflection after presentation


Yesterday my group finished our mind map-SAVE THE EARTH presentation. I found maybe everyone thought save the earth is very big and  difficult for us. In other word, save the earth is supposed to be some environmental departments' job. But we all lived there, we lived on the earth. All the houses, architectures and restaurants are built on it. Saving the earth is all human's duty. We don't have to do some big things like creating a machine for solving the pollution. From some little things we also can help to save the earth. Save the earth from little things, from ourself. And that video is to inspire us to save the earth from present from ourself.

There a few suggestions that I think we all can do in our real life. For example, never buy the clothing or other things are made by animals' skin an fur. Never throw rubbish into the river or everywhere. Using more recycle things. Taking more public transportation instead of private cars. We also can join some green organizations to follow them do some meaningful things. Like telling more people the importance of saving the earth. We can create our own stuff like make a environmental bag so when you go to the supermarket or shopping, you don't the plastic bags any more.

